Friday, April 4, 2008


So, today is my last day of work before 9 glorious days of being at home. As I sat knitting yesterday evening (yes, I'm hooked, Miss Laura!), I decided that for each day — beginning on Sunday since Harleigh is still home tomorrow and we're getting her packed up for Florida — I will achieve one thing in each of 7 categories and post those achievements:

1. Craft

2. Home/Garden

3. Gideon

4. Baking/Cooking

5. Shopping (could even be grocery shopping)

6. Harleigh (not sure what this would entail, but I want to try to do some sweet things for her return from Florida)

7. Me (pampering, perhaps?)

Pix, of course, will be included in my daily postings!


Karla said...

Pamper, pamper, pamper yourself!!! ENJOY the time off, you lucky girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn - found your blog over at Laura's !!! Super cute very cozy :)
Share alot of similarities cant wait to read more. Much Love.

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