Saturday, July 19, 2008

200th Post Giveaway

Here I am at my 200th post and I couldn't be happier about all that the blog world has brought to my life . . . inspiration, friends, information and anecdotes, stories that made me laugh out loud and words that brought tears to my eyes, and enviable photography, tons of it (I have decided that I WILL get a good camera and learn enough that I can create such beautiful images). I have loved getting to know such genuine and funny women, and I thank each and every one of you for making me feel special. Thank you thank you thank you.

I knew for this giveaway that I wanted to make a shell cross. And so that is part of the "prize." This one is a little smaller than the others that I make and it was a bit more of a challenge to work with less real estate. But I love how it turned out, and I hope that whoever wins will feel all the love that I put into crafting it.

I've also included one of my decorated matchboxes, this one with a mushroom bird and silk florals.

I couldn't resist throwing in this 1940 badminton trophy. And so as not to leave it naked looking, I threw in some vintage hankies.

And for their sheer charm, I'm also including these two travel diaries. Harleigh was on a kick a few years ago, scavenging flea markets and antique stores for old diaries and journals, scrawled with once-secret thoughts and dreams. These two notebooks, one from 1947 and the other from 1959, appear to be the travel journals of a married couple during two roadtrips. There's not much to them in terms of stories. They are more a diary of their completed itineraries. But that "Mrs." penned them with such care . . . it makes them rather endearing.

So, if you'd like to be in the drawing for this rather eclectic grouping of items, please leave me a comment. One lucky person will be drawn out of a hat on August 2. So post your comment by August 1 at midnight.

Get others in on the giveaway. Post the first photo (that includes all my giveaway items) — along with a link to my blog — onto your blog with a note about this giveaway and let me know you did so. I will put your name in the hat 2 additional times for a total of 3 chances to win!

Good luck!


Mippie said...

OOOH!!! I'm the first post! Congratulations on 200 posts of inspiration!!! Please drop my name in your hat-and dog ear it... xo-Mel

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I told you I would be watching, Oh I do hope I win, and if I can just figure out to link to you with pics I will do that to. Would you mind e-mailing and telling how I would go about doing that. Forgot to make known that I am very not educated when it comes to all the ins and outs of blogging. I think there is a blogging for dummies sight and I think I will need to visit soon! Hope you are having a great weekend.

Henry said...

how lovely! i love all things ocean! and congratulations on the 200th. very impressive!

Katie said...

Oh they all look great!

Sign me up. I'm all in!!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, You couldn't have chosen sweeter gifts to give away for your 200th post. I'm partial to the matchbox with the birds. I'll post your giveaway to my site today.

Also, reading your blog, I found out you love Paul Potts too. When I really want to relax, I play his CD and read.


Dawn Gahan said...

Gretchen, what is your blog site? I need to bookmark you, because your site doesn't come up when I click your name, so you must be on typepad. Let me know so I can visit!


Dawn Gahan said...

Never mind, Gretchen! I found you!

And, no, I won't count myself in twice for the giveaway with these two comments! :-)


Courtney said...

count me in too! Congratulations on 200 posts!!! You are an inspiration :) -courtney

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on the 200th post! I'm only on 80! Very nice give away :)

E.S.C.A.P.E. to the South Coast! said...

Great prizes! I love the seashell cross - I'm a Cape Cod girl. I will keep my fingers crossed!

Simply Shelley said...

Hi Dawn, thanks so much for coming by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I am so glad you did! What a nice give away you are offering,please count me in...the cross is so sweet.
Congratulations to you on your
I have been so blessed through getting to know so many wonderful friends in blogland, from all over the world,it's just so amazing to me.
Blessings, Shelley

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 200th! And thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!!


Blogger said...

Thank you, I'm in :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations !! very nice giveaway :)

Sonya Cocherell said...

I absolutely love that cross, it is beautiful. Thanks for the chance.

Sonya Cocherell said...

I posted your giveaway at: said...

Congratulations on your 200th! It goes by quickly doesn't it?

souldolphindream said...

I collect dolphins and seashells. I have never seen a cross like that. It is so pretty and would look wonderful in my bedroom. Congrat on making it to 200. what a great job your doing

kygirl said...

Wow that is some very pretty stuff.

Sunnyvale said...

Very pretty, makes me think I can do something with my shell collection

agordon10 said...

Great Stuff!


wtg on 200!

arvard said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your "200" milestone! I'd love to be included in your giveaway.

Brn2lisn said...

How exciting! Congratulations on your 200th post, and thank you ..

Anonymous said...

Thank you for having this contest. I really appreciate it.

mogrill said...

Woohoo on 200! Good Job.

katylinvw said...

congratulations on your 200th post! how exciting! i love all of these items, and i absolutely must have the seashell cross as we're doing our small guest bedroom/(future) nursery in a seaside theme!!! very cute! :)

idahomom said...

Party time - 200 Posts!


Congrats. I like the seashell cross,

llinda29 said...

Congratulations on your 200th

Belinda said...

What neat prizes. I love the bird box.

HisBeloved said...

Oh, I want to win! The cross would be perfectly in my bathroom, with all my other ocean-themed decorations!

Michele P. said...

Congrats on your 200th post! You are giving away a lovely group of items, but that cross is just magnificent!

I also blogged about it here:

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I am here by way of micaela. LOve the cross. Gorgeous! And I collect crosses. Hope I win. Congratulations!

dhunt said...

Oh they all look great!

Robin said...

your giveaway is lovely! I'm so happy to have found your blog recently! So inspiring!

SeahorseLady said...

Congrats on your 200th post! You've been quite busy. I love the shell cross and would love to hang it in my beach themed home. Thank you for the very nice giveaway.

ali said...

i still cannot believe you have written 200 posts already! i still have yet to make it to 100! you rock!!!

you let me know when you are ready to purchase a new digital camera... i'd love to help - i have lots of suggestions, of course! ;)

chromiumman said...

congrats on 200

Anonymous said...

Wow, the shell cross is sooo beautiful!!!

Tina12312 said...

Congratulations to you! Everything is beautiful, but the cross, words can not express, gorgeous. Thank you.

vboackle said...

very nice.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

What a beautiful selection of prizes!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on post #200! That's pretty cool. I'm too scared to blog but I sure love reading them.
And yes, I can see how much that cross must have meant to you while making it. It's probably the most special cross I've ever seen and I promise that if I win I'm giving it to my mom for a specific reason and association and she will treasure it and the comforting memories and thoughts it will create for her. Thank you for the giveaway.

Jessilyn82 said...

Congrats on reaching 200 posts! I'm in love with these prizes, so unique and pretty


This blog is beautiful, lyrical and dreamy.
I love the vintage items. My favorite thing is the seashell cross. I love the fact that it's handcrafted.
Thank you for the contest.

idahodad7 said...

Please and thank you.

ConiSu said...

Such lovely items! TY you very much for the giveaway. =)

Heather B said...

Congratulations on your 200th post and thank you for the opportunity

masonsgranny59 said...

Congrats on your 200th post!ty 4the great contest!

Molly Hargather said...

love the cross!! will i win? hmmm

Kathleen W. said...

What a sweet giveaway! And the cross is lovely. I'd love to gift it to my parents who are building their retirement home near the ocean. The travel journals would be great to read too. I love things with history!

joannaonthelake said...

It is always an achievement to reach the 200 mark for anything - so Congratulations on your 200th Post! May you have many hundreds more! I have a passion for vintage shabby chic looking home accessories and items. I love all the gifts that are part of this giveaway! Thank you for being will to part with them, and running this special giveaway!

rangrace said...

Congrats on your milestone and please let me into the drawing

mrstrooper said...

Nice prizes!

Donna said...

Count me in please.

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