We started calling our home Chateau Gahan when my dearest dearest girlfriend Lisa was living in Chicago and traveled to Atlanta on business every other month or so for a few days. She would always stay with us, and we had a room set up for her (alas, she has a different job now that means no trips to Atlanta, so the room has become our rumpus room). She's the type of houseguest who totally understands how to be a good guest. She has a key to our place and so would let herself in, usually arriving on an afternoon flight. Then when I'd get home from work, she'd be there with a glass of wine waiting so that the two of us could relax and catch up. She is, without a doubt, the most low maintenance houseguest you could ever wish for.
Since our place was sorta her Atlanta hotel, we just naturally gave it a name. Have no idea why we landed on this one, but I guarantee it was hatched on one of those evenings with a bottle of wine.
Here's the front door of Chateau Gahan welcoming Spring.
3 cheers for low maintenance guests! (I need more of those! ;)
Lovely lovely wreath!
That's a beautiful wreath!
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