Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thankful for Grayson

Not having my grandmother here for Thanksgiving was sad for all of us, but what a joy a new baby brought to our family. On Thursday it was all about Grayson. How could it not be? Come on, look at this cutie.  I got a chance to experiment more with my camera (and Photoshop). I still find it all a bit daunting, but the thrill of capturing moments . . . priceless.

Mom requested that we bring over Harleigh's wagon from when she was little. I cleaned it up (it became a transporter of plants and gardening tools since my little girl grew up), lined it with a pretty quilt, and Poppy took a cardboard box to create a seat for our little man. I left the string on the back axle; Harleigh had put it there when she and the neighborhood kids strung all their wagons together to make a parade (little things like this have to be preserved).

After the walk and the warm temperatures, Grayson was down for the count. Poppy managed to slide the cardboard seat from under him and he took a nap while we ate our dessert.

And we can't overlook the additional cuteness at the table. As small a group we have for our holiday meals, we never go without placecards. Karla made this year's: Grayson's handprint cut out of scrapbook paper and laminated. Mom found these ceramic pumpkin placecard holders on sale at Williams Sonoma.

And Grandie's beautiful table all decked out in browns and golds. Just as scrumptious as the food!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh my he is adorable!!

Your Thanksgiving looks great

the stuffing bread is from a bakery in Santa Cruz Ca. BUT they have an on line store.


The cubes aren't super big, but because the bread cubes are made from their sourdough bread, it is so, so good. Maybe you can order some from their on line shop and give it a try. I just saute celery, onion, fresh parsley with a little butter and olive oil. Then pour some chicken broth on it. Normally I stuff the turkey with it, and it is so good that way, but you can put it in a pan, with foil over it and cook it in the oven.

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