A busy busy weekend. And why, oh why, do I reach a Sunday evening and still have items on my TO DO list that have yet to be crossed off?!?!?!?! I long for a personal assistant, a maid, a cook. I wonder how so many women in blogland seem to get it all accomplished?? Are they (we) just posting the good side to all that we get done? I'm coming clean with y'all . . . there's no way I can keep up with all there is to do. So, I admit to a dusty house, loads of laundry yet to be done, craft projects yet to be undertaken (and usually the one thing that takes priority simply because they're fun), bills to be paid, paperwork to be filed, yard work to be tackled, a child to raise (the good, the bad, and the good), a job to go to 5 days a week (and thought about 7), groceries to be bought, meals to be planned and cooked.
Gideon has it good. And I love him for, on a daily basis, bringing me back to a place of simply . . . being me, and OK with all of the imperfections that I am, that surround me, and that he could care less about. Because he loves me for what I do, with smiling success, on a daily basis, without much effort at all . . . a meal, love, outside to go potty, and a good snuggle at the end of the day. Thanks, big guy.
Oh I hear ya, Dawn. I regularly clean the downstairs of the house, but the upstairs... it's so neglected (except for the bathroom) because nobody but us sees it. I bring home a huge bag of school work (marking, planning, etc.) every Friday and do half of it. I've started doing laundry every TWO weeks - heck, I have enough clothes to last.
There's always more to do than time to do it!
Lucky Gideon - but you're right, he deserves to be comfortable and to laze around for all the joy he brings you!
Have a great week!
I'll admit to mostly blogging just about the good stuff. I always have a pile of laundry, and usually fail at keeping enough food in the house. I just do the best I can, and wonder myself how everyone else seems to get it all done.
I am with you. I am not sure how others get so much done. A load of laundry is calling right now, and then it is off to church for a meeting, then more house cleaning that I didn't get finished this weekend. I am glad Stella loves me just like I am, not perfect, and a little behind. Jackie
LOL!! Dawn...you don't give yourself enough credit. I was thinking of you this morning, as I did dishes not done last night...ok all weekend...and hung up to line-dry the jeans washed last night at 9 PM, and wondering how you manage to do everything you do. I finally decided you're just you and that's all there is to it. Some of us are blessed with energy, inspiration and organization, and some of us are blessed to just have those people in our lives. Thank God :) xoxo.
Put me on the band wagon of stuff piled up in the sewing room/dumping ground! That's what blogs are for, just to see the good stuff :)I really thought when my girls we grown ups, I would have less house work, not so! You are not alone :)
as much as i try to keep my house clean it doesnt always happen. hey life happens :)
Looks like you aren't alone with your thoughts and words.
I, too, am sometimes (no,a lot of the time) overwhelmed.
That's the true picture.
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