Every day this week I've gotten to work and found a voicemail on my office phone from Harleigh. A simple "hey, Mommy" with a few encouraging words, a nod to having a great day, "I miss you," and "I love you." I told her how much I appreciate this little gesture and how much they start me off on the right foot. I think I've been a better person throughout the day because of these morning messages. And every AM when I listen to the new one, I play back the ones from the previous days. It's gotten me to thinking about ways that we can connect meaningfully when she heads off to college.
Love that girl.
A daughters love is such a blessing.
You have raised her so that she knows how to touch a heart. It has paid you in dividends.
Now, for the phone...
I have been looking for a phone just like it!!!! I love it!!!
omg that just brought a tear to my eyes.
my mom sent me "care packages" in college. when i unfortunately got mono when i was a freshman she sent me this little teddy bear that looked totally dishelved and we named him "ted the sick bear"... he ended up traveling with me to italy the following year. it's those little things that you never forget. he now is in my "hope chest" that she gave me after college that used to be hers. in fact, a lot of the 'little things' she sent me in college have found a home in that trunk.
i think your relationship with miss h will only grow stronger when she is away at college... something that is hard to imagine but i swear, it happens. :)
That's so sweet. I think I'll send my daughter a link to this post with a 'hint hint'.
Love the pink princess phone too!
You have raised a wonderful girl that will be an amazing woman!! You done good Mama Gahan! :)
You and Harleigh have such a wonderful bond. You've done such a great job of mothering, Dawn. Harleigh is a lovely young woman.
What a sweet blessing. She is one special girl! Jackie
Love the phone.
My only child-Chloe will be leaving for college in August.As she will be over three hours away She has informed me I have to get Skype. Chloe tells me that we can see and talk everyday, and I will be able to see she isn't wasting away without her Mum's home cooked meals.
That is so sweet! Since I have been laid up here in Chez Mackey, I love it when Caitlin calls from school to see how I am doing. It perks me up right away!
That is so sweet!
And I love that pink phone
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