Harleigh had her two top wisdom teeth taken out on Thursday, and it didn't go nearly as smoothly as the extractions of the bottom two a year earlier. I worked from home on Thursday and Friday, both super busy days. And working from home ain't no easy feat. The distractions are less, but the inconvenience of not being there with easy access to people makes it a little more challenging. Needless to say, with as much as I got done, I'll be playing a bit of catch-up tomorrow. Here is a sweet floral arrangement and stuffed puppy that arrived on Saturday from Harleigh's girlfriend posse at school. I like the hanging jar.

Then on Saturday Ali and I had a great wedding craft day, which was made all that much more glorious with the warm sunny weather. We got so much done. This image is a sneak peek. Ooooo la la, the progress we made!

Then today, after church, it was home to work on more wedding stuff, watch TV, catch up on paperwork . . . nest. And as the sun set, a hail storm hit complete with thunder and lightening. But being in the safe confines of Chateau Gahan made it all OK.
Get well soon Harleigh! I love that vase too! Better hide it from your Mom. At least you have all four wisdom teeth out now.
Hugs, Gretchen
Oh no! Poor Harleigh :( That is why I did all four at once, so I would only have to go through the misery one time. Caitlin had all four pulled back in 2006, and she was in the house for two weeks with puffy cheeks.
Lots of pudding and ice cream. I sure hope she recovers quickly!! Nice that her friends brought that sweet arrangement for her to cheer her up.
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