Monday, May 5, 2014


This weekend it really hit me just how much social media and the digital world
have taken over my life. Sorta made me sad.
On Sunday afternoon, after a full weekend, I escaped to the back patio with Gideon

When was the last time I did that?
Without a phone or a laptop.
Or a camera.

I sat in my cheap, plastic Adirondack chair,
my hands, palms up, on the arms of the chair,
my head resting on the chair back,
the serenity and warmth 
causing my eyelids to drop and my 
whole being

The house was in shambles.
The garden in need of weeding.
Dustbunnies everywhere.
Laundry done and folded but in piles on my bed.
Everywhere I looked, I saw work to be done.

My usual escape is to play a game of solitaire on my phone.
Catch up on Pinterest.
Post and peruse Instagram.
Watch the newest episode of Housewives of NYC on my laptop.
Listen to music.
Watch TV.

As I sat in the chair on my patio, 
a peace came over me that I've not felt in quite some time. 
Escaping without an outlet, a keypad, a screen.
What a novel idea.
Instead, I was plugged into the sounds of birds chirping and kids playing, 
the smells of cut grass and my neighbors grilling,
the feel of a warm breeze stroking my face and of Gideon's fluffy head beneath my hand.

And so, I vow to enjoy more of these escapes.
Have them happen more than just during vacations.
Share them with my daughter.
Schedule them. Spontaneously do 'em. 
Simply perfect.

In my quest to simplify, I don't go to thrift stores anymore. 
But at the antique mall where I have my booth, 
I chanced upon a huge stack of these salesman button sample cards, and I couldn't pass them up.
I bought four and plan on hanging them "as is" on the wall in my craft room.
[Excuse the IG image; will take a better picture once I hang them.]

1 comment:

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I can certainly relate to everything you are saying. I am making a huge effort to simplify! Love the button cards. Would love some of those to hang as art in my craft room.

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