Saturday the three of us shopped, had lunch, visited my grandmother, and topped the evening off with a dinner at Grace 17.20. I hit the sack at 10:00 and the girls stayed up laughing and talking with some visiting home-from-college girlfriends of Harleigh's. She and Anna got up this morning, packed the car, and headed to meet Anna's parents at their home church. From there they went back to "The Boro."
And then . . . this emotional pillar of strength who has stood confident and tear-free since dropping her baby birdie off at school, turned into a big, mushy pile of pathetic boo hoo. Someone told me that them coming home on a visit and leaving would potentially be WAY harder than the initial drop-off. Couldn't be more true. I loved hearing her laughter throughout the house. Smelling her shampoo and perfume. Seeing the bed all rumpled with quilts and clothes. The running here and there. Calling her pet names out in public. Having her grab my hand and squeeze it as we walked to the car from lunch. Talking about everything and nothing. And then . . . she was gone.
I faced the emptiness (of the house and my heart) and took Gideon for a long, long walk, talking to him almost non-stop, about everything and nothing.
On to things that aren't gonna make my eyes well with tears . . .
Such a lovely outpouring of love for my 50th birthday! The office gave me and a co-worker (her birthday is the 9th and mine the 10th) a surprise breakfast party!! We both turned the big 5-0. Lots of flowers and gift cards, sentiments and hugs galore. I truly felt loved.
When I came home on Friday I had a fabric-wrapped package waiting on the front porch. From my secret prayer pal at church. The fabric wrap and ribbons gave way to lots of little surprises. I'll share more in a later post. But here is just one of the lovelies inside. This Napco bud vase. This secret lady knows what I adore.
Kathy, unknowing that I'd been lookin' for something to corral my mail, got me this paint-by-number-esque letter holder. She filled it with baby's breath. I switched out the baby's breath for real mail, and relegated the white flowers to my ceramic basket on the living room sideboard.
Some of the many flower bouguets got turned into little ones. Here, one in my bathroom.
My sister Karla stopped by on Friday afternoon (she works in the same office complex I do) and gave me a gift she got for me awhile ago: when she saw these tile coasters she thought of me. This is often the case in our family. We'll see an item, get it, and sock it away for the next birthday or Christmas. These are soooo me.
Hello Dawn,
Happy happy birthday! I hope you had a truly wonderful day and weekend - it sounds like you really did, with your girl at home. I know you miss her a lot; you are so lucky to have such a great relationship. And thank goodness for Gideon, who is a steadfast friend!
Thank you for your lovely comment on my RexCat post. It feels so strange to not have him around. It will take some adjustment for sure!
Keep well. xo
Happy Belated Birthday!! I think another cheese party is definitely in order :)
Happy Birthday to you!! I took a good friend out for her 50th birthday that was on the 10th too! Now I will remember your birthday, as being on hers! It looks like you were treated very well.
I got teary reading your time with you baby girl. Oh how I know that feeling. I fear it will be coming again for me, when Caitlin leaves the nest. I just want the days to slow down, and for all of the time we spend together to last longer!
Big hug from a fellow mom, and again Happy 50th!!
I'm feeling for you, Dawn. How hard it must be to say goodbye to your sweet daughter at the end of the weekend. You two are so close, yet you have raised Harleigh to be independent so that she can go away to college and have a great time. You want her to be strong, but that doesn't mean you don't miss her every day. Gideon, bless him, will give you lots of cuddles.
I'm happy you had a wonderful birthday.
Hi Dawn,
First, happy belated birthday. I know your heart must have been bursting with love with your daughter's visit. I had tears in my eyes reading this post. I'm now already dreading those types of empty nest emotions, and I'm a good 10 years away from that possibility. Only makes me want to enjoy each and every minute with my children more intensley.
Those tile coasters from your sister are stunning. Definitely something I would love to receive. I've never seen anything like them before.
Best wishes,
Hi Dawn:
Still not getting it all together yet but taking it one day at a time. Sometimes feel kind of lonely since so many other parents seem so happy they are gone, love this new freedom and kind of revelling in it :O
Not me, just miss her and wish she was still at home.
And I miss the smell of her hair too...
Gotta go getting teary eyed as I write this.
Lisa xoxoxoxo
PS I wish we lived closed so we could console ourselves over a cup of tea and a scone
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