Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Resolution

As organized as I am, and as much as I can get done in a given day, you'd think my at-home paperwork situation would be picture-perfect. But it's far from it. I think my avoidance of filing, paying bills (I wait until the absolute last minute to tackle that ugly chore) and just plain dealing with all the paperwork has everything to do with the fiscally crappy situation that I was in during my married years. I'd sit at the kitchen table, buried in bills, bogged down with my ex-husband's medical bills and records, feeling overwhelmed and helpless. I've seen the light now. I'm financially fit and in control of my own fiscal future, but the memory of it all still cripples me.

This year I vow to get the paperwork under control. Does this mean a better way to organize the mounting paperwork? A set day every week to balance my checkbook and do filing? A reward system for moi for when I get a paper-oriented task done? Maybe it's a designated work space? (Right now we have the computer table in the rumpus room with my filing cabinet next to it, but it's more a family space and not one strictly for me and my stuff.) Maybe I enter the modern world and get rid of much of the paper I process, knowing that records exist electronically.

Any tips would be much appreciated. I'd like this burden lessened as I enter into 2009.

[Photo by: Camilo Rueda López]


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I hate dealing with all the paperwork too! You should see the top of my desk! I do somethings electronically like pay some bills and down loading my checking info from my bank and that helps some. But still there's always tons of paper to handle. I don't have an answer either. I think I'm going to try setting one specific day aside and maybe a reward for getting it done (only I guess there then should be a punishment for NOT getting it done LOL)!


Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet words too!

I hate paper work too! I try and keep it all in its own cabinet and deal with it once a month. I only open them every day, but then set it all aside for one day of "paying". everything else I throw out! and opps, I don't balance my check book at all, I just keep an eye on the balance. Any flier ( unless its says important ) from anyone goes in the garbage :) I think the trick is to throw out something everyday, that helps me :)

Happy 2009! Hugs, Cynthia

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I am in the process of cleaning every nook and cranny of this house. We will be taking a load to daughter's this weekend, which will considerably help get things a little more organized at this house. I am desperately trying to clear the clutter, buy less and let go of more. Have a wonderful week! Jackie

Katie said...

I'm typing this with mounds of paperwork falling (literally) all over my desk. I keep up with our home plus our churches bills from my tiny desk. I need help too!

Anonymous said...

What does "filing" mean???

Anonymous said...

Serioiusly...not that I do it (you know me) but binders are my favorite for keeping things in absolute order. Try filing bills by month, not by creditor or utility company.

Get some "month" tabs for the binder, punch holes in the bills and slap them in the binder as soon as they come in. Then write "paid" with the date and indicate check number or "online" on it as well. If you didn't write on it, it's not paid.

And if you haven't started banking online yet....that's huge. You can schedule a payment as soon as the bill comes in for exactly when you want it paid, and quit getting paper statements and get them right online if you need to. Rarely do I "balance" my checkbook anymore. You can check your balance online, back out any uncleared checks and scheduled payments and you have an up-to-the minute balance, which I typically do every payday. This is all my method, except for the binder part. I throw it all in a drawer and have to dig for it if I need to reference it. I should take my own advice. I've thought about it...

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