Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What a Glorious Weekend

My Saturday consisted of a church council half-day meeting which is always pretty intense, but I do love being a part of the church leadership. My mom and I met up to stage the table we're decorating for her church's women's advent tea and dessert. Pix to come! Then after lots of errands, I came home to base camp and had a good hour session of leaf blowing. Like a free therapy session; something cleansing about it.

On Sunday after church, I hosted our new members' lunch, and got to meet some lovely people joining our church family. Then off to Sheepie Day in the Park: Fall Edition. See this picture below. Now imagine the three sheepies here X 20. A sea of grey and white fluff running around. Except Gideon, who started playing and then came to sit down next to me and watch and ponder. You'd think he was 16, not 3. After Sheepie Day we came home to prepare for Monday's Feast at my office. It's the big Thanksgiving meal that we do annually, and it's a big deal!! Pix to come of that too.
For the Feast I made stuffing and my Nana's cranberry salad which is the bomb!! Then a big batch of white chile for when Harleigh comes home this Friday (woot woot!!!).

And this, a tole trash can, is here simply because I love love love it, and am thinking about how I can use it for something other than a trash can.


  1. The trashcan would make a cute umbrella stand!

  2. Have the same trashcan! Right now mine is holding rolls of wrapping paper- perfect for this time of year!

    Sorry I have not been around much. Been so busy. But that's not excuse!


  3. You are a busy, busy girl, but it all sounds wonderful - very community-oriented. Makes me wish I was a "part" of something.

    Sheepie day must have been a blast. I would have loved that! All those Gideons running around. But he'd still be my favourite!

    Love the garbage can. It's much too pretty for trash!

  4. Are you going to show your Feast creation?
    Sounds like Gidon was a little "sheepish".

  5. Sounds like a fun filled weekend. Next week will be my busy week here. I will have to clean out the fridge to make room for food. I know you will be glad to have Harleigh home. Can't wait to see pics of the office Thanksgiving. You are so talented, I mean really amazing. Be blessed! Jackie

  6. I use mine (although it has a lid) to hold all my toilet paper in the bathroom!


  7. Oh I love sheepie day at the park!

    K here's an exchange I had yesterday with one of my coworkers:

    CW: Hey, don't get mad about this ok?
    Me: Um, ok...
    CW: Well, I saw where you signed up to bring your green marshmallow salad again (our potluck is this Friday)
    Me: Yeah...
    CW: Well, I remember last year no one ate it, and you got really upset about it and was forcing people to eat it.
    Me: I might have vague recollections of that...
    CW: So, why are you bringing it again?
    Me: I don't know... (And then I went on a tirade about how no one appreciates it)
