Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesdays with Harleigh

Harleigh calls me at 9:00PM and we watch Modern Family together over the phone. I love that we can be stupid with each other.

UPDATE: No Modern Family tonite because of the CMA Awards. Aw shucks.


  1. That's not stupid that is friendship and a great idea!

  2. What fun! That sounds like something Ansley and I would do. Jackie

  3. I use to do that with my sister, and sometimes we do it with American idol :)
    I was sad that it wasn't on last night, but I was at a concert anyway.

  4. I love, love Modern Family. There we were all ready to watch on Wednesday and the awards show was on. We were really disappointed! A former student of mine from Boston is one of the writers/producers on the show. He previously worked on Ugly Betty and a few other (all funny) shows.

