Tuesday, August 25, 2009

OMG OES!!!!!!!

Yesterday evening I had a meeting at church. After it was over I made a stop into Goodwill, always on the lookout for items to use in Ali's upcoming wedding and reception. Imagine the rapid-heartbeating moment I had when I spied someone's collection of Old English Sheepdog figurines. The collection was about 20 in all, from a sleeping foot-long dog to a mini 2" sitting pooch. 

The resin ones (which accounted for most of them) didn't appeal to me. But the ceramic ones came home with me. The sitting one is Goebel. The running dog is Heredities Creamware. The one in the upper left is made by Sylvac.  The other is unidentifiable, with only the word "Sheepdog" written in script on the belly. So, I got  these four for $20 (a little on the steep side for one of my Goodwill jaunts, but based on what I found online regarding their value, a real steal).

Fun story: I took them up to the register and got to gabbing with the woman behind me and the check-out guy (who just happened to be the manager). We were talking about not getting something that strikes your fancy at a thrift store, getting home with that feeling of regret, and then going back to find whatever it was gone. This was the last thing I wanted to have happen with these figurines. The woman behind me said she felt the same way about the milkshake machine and space heater she was buying (and, of course, went into detail about how much she loves milkshakes, and how cold her bathroom gets). I also laughed about the fact that I chose this particular evening to come in, and lo and behold there are Old English Sheepdog items there, and a lot of them. What are the chances of that??? The manager then said, "you know what makes this whole buying experience for you even better? A woman was in here about an hour ago and had all the figurines in her basket, got up to the register, only to say 'I don't need these," and then put them back on the shelf."  This was meant to be.

I couldn't help  but wonder, though, who would give away a collection like this. 


  1. how LUCKY you were! I think that is the find of the year for you! I'm so happy the other woman returned them and you found them just in time! I would have paid that much too if they meant the world to me! This needs to be moved up to " Number 1 find of 2009 - so far!

  2. To answer your question;
    An Angel!

  3. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, that you found all of those precious little figurines! What a find! Sometimes isn't it those little things that can bring a little fun into our lives!Definitely a treasure. Jackie

  4. What fun and what a beautiful collection! They were meant for you.

  5. Hello Dawn...

    Ohhh my...my friend, you made off like a bandit with your treasure finds at the thrift store! I'm so happy for you! And to think...someone else had them in their basket only to decide at the last minute they didn't want them! Yes...I do believe that it was meant to be!!! What a blessing! I love your sheepdog figurines...absolutely precious!!!

    Well my friend, I just wanted to stop by your place to say thank you for coming by and leaving me such a sweet comment on my "Celebration Giveaway" post! I sure do appreciate that!!! Wishing you the best with the book giveaway...I'll be announcing the winner tomorrow!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friend!

  6. I couldn't be happier for you. I've looked on E-Bay thinking of getting one for you but they are always really expensive. Now I do believe you do good things and good things are returned to you (for $20.).

    Congratulations on a super buy!

  7. i bet you had your most intense "craft face" on when you spotted them :)

  8. what a great find. just for you :)

  9. You should have taken a photo of that rolling cart you use every day. Then your readers would know what you mean by all that paperwork! :)

    Love the love letters, D.

  10. Lucky for you! I often wonder why certain things are at the thrift store/goodwill.


  11. oh... i love these. too adorable!
