Sunday, August 30, 2009

Love Letter

I have been without a home desk for far too long. I've taken to carrying most, if not all, of my paperwork with me back and forth to work. Why, I have no clue. It's not like I have hours on end during the work day to tackle home bills or organizing personal files. We have a computer table in the craft room with a file cabinet (which holds the printer), but that space isn't designated mommy space. And so this past week I rearranged a bit, moving the seafoam green chest of drawers from the ken into the living room, replacing the typing table behind the sofa with the maple tea cart, and relegating the typing table to the ken to become my own personal space (I also moved my file cabinet out to the ken, putting the printer onto a small chest of drawers in the craft room). I can't tell you how liberating it was. All my stuff in one place.

Instead of taking up valuable desk space with a lamp, I brought a floor lamp out from the bedroom. And hung this beautiful "Love Letter" from papaya art on the light switch. Here are some of the beautiful letters in the collection:

1 comment:

  1. Love the lamp and the hanging letter - isn't it nice to have your desk where you want it? I'm sure you're going to love it.
