Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break Redefined

Would I love to be at the beach this week . . . a quiet beach, with white white sand and ocean waters clear enough to see your toes, combing for shells, reading paperbacks, drinking cocktails at 4:00? You betcha. But instead our agenda encompasses other things. And for that I do believe I'm equally grateful. 'Cause sometimes when I get things accomplished, it's almost as rejuvenating. Nesting at home is my own private beach getaway. Here are two beach pictures hanging in my kitchen (with this past Sunday's palm leaf turned into a cross): the closest I'll get to the ocean this Spring Break.So this week has been so far, fabulous. Harleigh has decided where she wants to go to school and I agree that it's the perfect fit for her. As we toured the campus, lush with blooming azaleas, she grabbed my arm and said, "mom, this is where I want to go." And when we got home she said that freshman year couldn't come soon enough. So this week I will be looking into early admission applications as well as the HOPE scholarship. I love seeing her so excited about her education major, living in a dorm room, getting involved in school activities. Here's a picture of the school's quad: out of a storybook. (I pulled this picture from the school website. The weather was rather nippy when we visited and so I couldn't capture an image quite like this one!) I've been busy at work on the fun events that Courtney and I are designing. Got a ton of paperwork filed. Phone calls made that have been long overdue. Thank you notes written. Pulled my taxes together. Got doctor appointments out of the way. Some church TO DO's crossed off my list. And it's only Wednesday!!!
I got these pot holders in the mail from Laleah. They came in this darling fabric "envelope." She said that when she saw them she thought of me. How sweet is that, or as Laleah would say, "LOVE that!." Not to mention that these are my favorite (and they do make the best) type of potholder. And I was down to two dog-earred ones, both on their last leg. Thank you so much, Miss Laleah!


  1. I miss having a spring break. It looks like you've enjoyed yours!

  2. ooh, which college??

    p.s. i miss you :)

  3. where is she going?!

    i miss you too :)
