Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Drum I Just Had to Have

I thrifted 'til I could thrift no more on Saturday. And it was heaven. I had so many missions. Between Molly's rehearsal dinner, Jenn's shower, and her wedding reception, there were so many items to be found. I faired pretty well. And of course I had to snag the items that I needed . . . vintage pillowcases and such.

I came across this drum. It's made of plastic, three pieces of plastic — the drum itself and the top and bottom rims. The rope is simply wound up and over the tabs and then secures in the back on a slotted tab. I love the gold American Eagle on it, and it fits with the color scheme of my craft room, AND I need a big trash can in there. So it had to come home with me. $3.00. Sold.

At dinner with Harleigh she commented that it could be painted (the fact that it comes apart makes that project so doable) and used for a little boy's baby shower. I now see it holding ice and drinks, fitted with a stand and sporting a round cake on its top . . . in other words, a great buy that will surely be put to good, and creative, use!


  1. How cute! I can't wait to see what you do with it. Have a great Monday!

  2. Excellent purchase! Don't you just love the rush you get when you find something as cool as this when thrifting? Love it...
