Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The one that ALMOST got away

Yesterday I was in Goodwill. On a mission to find a few things for the events that Courtney and I are working on, BUT always on the lookout for things that I personally can't live without. With already a few sweet finds in my basket, I passed by these two women whose baskets revealed the mother lode of my kind of thrifting . . . specifically, vintage glass and ceramic pieces with flowers. One piece, in particular, caught my eye — an old, cracked pitcher in all the colors I love and with flowers galore — and caused that heartbeat skip that says "dang, if only I'd been here a minute earlier." And like any true-blooded thrifter, I kept walking by her basket and looking at it, hoping I'd decide that it really isn't at all what I like, in fact, it's downright ugly (not). In other words, punishing and torturing myself.

Today, I popped into Goodwill again and lo and behold, setting on a shelf (in a section where it obviously didn't belong) was the pitcher. She must have decided that she didn't need it, or that the cracks were flaws she couldn't live with, or better yet . . . it was made for me. Look . . . isn't it beautiful. And for $3.


  1. How nice, Dawn! We miss you at the office — hope you're enjoying your break. Kyle and I will think of you as we venture to the Junior League thrift store tomorrow over lunch!

  2. I'm so glad you're getting a little break, that Harleigh has decided on her college choice, that you found that fabulous pitcher and that all is well!

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous jug. It was karma, obviously.


  4. A wonderful happy ending! I've stalked people around the store before waiting to see if they change their mind ;) And I've had people stalking me. The pitcher is beautiful!

  5. Your post made me giggle. I had a similar experience at Pier One recently...I figured the woman probably thought I was stalking her I kept passing by her so many times. But, it did pay off as she had put back the item and I scored it!! Hooray...So, I totally get this post and a big cheer for you for ending up with that treasure...

  6. It's beautiful. I do the same thing at GW. My daughter and granddaughter call it "goodwill stalking". But, I have ended up with many things through my stlking! LOL

