Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baring it all . . .

I've posted before about my king-sized bed, which I love, and a slipcovered chair that is equally big and comfy. But the truth of the matter is that my bedroom lacks character and warmth.

The room is huge, and could easily fit a ton of furniture, so perhaps that is where I need to start: populating it with more furniture. I think it desperately needs curtains, but I have no clue where to begin. Only two windows to deal with, so I think I could dress them up rather inexpensively. But on a sour note, the room gets bad light, so it tends toward the dark side.

And the piece de resistance . . . yes, I have a kitchen table in my bedroom. When I turned the kitchen dining area into the ken, I had a little kitchen table and two chairs that I really didn't want to part with. The style wasn't particularly mine, but I liked the size of the table, and I had gotten seat cushions at Anthropologie that I'd hold onto even if I got rid of table. So I moved the table and chairs to my boudoir and it has suffered the same demise as that gotta-have-it treadmill becoming the new clothes rack . . . basically a catch-all for junk that should be put away, but I'm too lazy.

So I'm baring it all. Showing you all a part of my home that lacks any personality, warmth . . . in other words, it is sooooo not me. I'm perplexed and would welcome any ideas (on changing the room, that is, not me).

Here are pictures (above and below) of the room. I didn't go to much effort to enhance the lighting or to stage some attractive vignette. It is what it is.


  1. This is what I see for your room. Some blue fabric with cream, pale red roses, and yellow roses on it. I'm thinking Ralph Laurenish but less expensive. That would go on the windows with the ti-back hooks that you just push the fabric over. Some throw pillows for the bed and chair (same fabric). For the table make a shirt of the same fabric or a coordinating one 9maybe a rose) that you just velcro around the edge. Then maybe throw a lace tablecloth over it with a pretty lamp. Pile the books on or use it as a dressing table with a mirror on it.

    Final touch. White crown molding around the ceiling. It would make a big statement in your room.

    Gretchen - ASID

    Disclaimer: I earned that degree from the sheer volume of HGTV shows I watch, not an actual University.

  2. Wish I had tons of ideas for you. But here's one. You said the lighting wasn't good so how about extending your rod a little beyond the window if you use panels so the window would not be covered. I like gretchens idea about the Ralph Lauren Fabric, so how about a Ralph Lauren Sheet from Ross or some place like that.

  3. I would recommend going to HGTV's Rate My Space site..there are so many ideas you can get from can post your pics there too for more feedback.

    Come see my bedroom on my page, maybe you'll like it?

    Have fun!!! :)

  4. You definitely have so many pretty elements in your room-I definitely agree with the post about extending curtain rods past the windows to allow the maximum natural light... I know whatever you do will be fabulous-I'll look forward to seeing it! xo-Mel
