Tuesday, April 8, 2008

DAY 3 — DIRTy hands = HAPPY hands

Category 1: Craft
Worked on some fun things for Georganne's shower. Can't wait. Pix to come after Saturday!

Category 2: Home and Garden
The sun didn't really pop out until about 2:00 today, so gardening from 9-2 was perfect. No sun and mild temperatures.

Here's the gate basket which I decided not to paint; I like the color of it against the fence. And it sorta mimics the teak color of the benches out front.
My wrought iron wall garden. I tucked a shell into the arrangement, filled with a hen-and-chick.
And my kitchen window box.
I added some color to the front of the house with some of the planters from the "before" scenario.
And then, as only a hell-bent female can do, I moved, by myself, the glider to the back of the house. It involved putting it onto a luggage dolly, maneuvering it slowly through the house (my fence gates don't open wide enough for me to have taken it around the house), and then inching it to its new home. There was a point where I didn't think I'd get it through the patio door; my neighbor Clif even popped his head out to ask if he could help. But nooooooo, I HAD to accomplish it myself. And did, thank you very much!

Category 3: Gideon
I must say that spending time with Little Man this week has been a highlight. I really like him . . . a lot.

Category 4: Baking and Cooking
Let's save this category for after Spring Break. It just ain't happenin' this week.

Category 5: Shopping
It's about time I relegated our threadbare bath and hand towels to the rag basket. Many of them used to belong to my dear Nana. When she passed away it was some of the most ordinary items from her house that we held on to. Funny how a bath towel can conjure up such a storybook of good memories. So, I won't throw them away. One will wipe Gideon's wet paws on a rainy day, another will be used as a dropcloth for a craft project, and there will be many more spills and mishaps at Chateau Gahan that will need one of Nana's towels and live to tell more stories.I replaced them all with white Egyptian cotton towels I found on sale.

Category 6: Harleigh
Sweet Pea, you've called a bunch to talk. I miss my girl. And you're having so much fun. Two girls having fun: we have so much to catch up on when you get back.

Category 7: Me
Tonite I went out to dinner. I'm one of those few people who relish going out to dinner alone. It was relaxing, great food, and it always feels liberating to sit near booths of people as groups and show that it's OK to eat alone. Perhaps I'll be an example to some teenage girl who ten years from now says to herself "I remember seeing this woman sitting in a restaurant alone and seeming so content."


  1. Oh, I'm so jealous of your planter boxes! That's what I'll be doing this weekend, now, with your inspiration. I love the little hen&chick hiding in the shell. What a splendid idea!

    And, I must add, I LOVE eating dinner alone too. I have a tradition of going to my favorite pizza joint just down the street every Sunday. A slice, some salad and a beer eaten alone whilst doing the Sunday crossword never gets old.

    It's like a big, content sigh at the end of a long week...

  2. Dawn!
    Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello!
    You have a wonderful home and such a beautiful style. I'm glad you are showing it to all of us on your blog.

    Lots of love
    Cherry xoxoxoxo

  3. What a yummy week you are having - can't WAIT to see what the shower craft project is!! You're keeping us in the dark!!! =)

  4. Those plant containers look GREAT!!! -courtney

  5. Your "new" front porch looks so inviting. How pretty it must be to sit and have a cup of coffee...enjoying all your hard work. Everything looks lovely. Just found your blog. Be back soon to visit.
