Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vanity Tray For Today's Girl

Like I said in my last post, furnishing Harleigh's college apartment this coming Fall will be done thriftily! I found this dated gold vanity tray at the thrift store for $2 and decided to give it a coat of black paint (Harleigh wants lots of black accents in her room; fun for me, not one to attempt decorating in black, but always loving the look). Then I painted each flower in daisy white and yellow, adding green leaves, and it now suits the look she's going after.


  1. Unbelievable!
    Totally different look and I love it!
    Ummm...got me thinking!

  2. It's beautiful! But oh, wow, what a LOT of work for you! Well worth the effort, I'd say.

  3. So cute - You could sell that for a boat load I bet!

  4. so pretty!!

    that is awesome that harleigh attended passion & obviously made quite the effort to be there.
    i love that about this generation. they are a make things happen group of young folks!
