Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Secret Prayer Pal

I belong to a group at church called Secret Prayer Pals. Over the course of a year, a gaggle of us women hold up a special and secret pal in prayer and send them little cards and encouraging words through the mail. At Christmas we all get together over breakfast and reveal our secret pals and exchange a gift with them. I do believe that my secret prayer pal reads my blog, and so thank you thank you thank you to her for the gift left on my front porch on my birthday!

It was lovingly wrapped in a fabric bag (some of the little gifts inside were in smaller fabric bags) and tied with fabric trims of rick rack and lace. Here are the pretty contents, all so very personally chosen! (Not included in picture are some lavender lotion and a roll of kickin' purple packing tape).

1 comment:

  1. I just love to have a secret sister. It is so fun and I love trying to figure out who is mine. By the way left a comment on my blog about where my mother found the adorable little typewriter awhile back....we got it in an antique shop in St. Charles Illinois. Thanks for noticing.
