Monday, August 2, 2010

So Little Time Left

I'm savoring the last days of our summer. The fridge is covered in all the weekly camp pictures from Harleigh's summer of camp counseling. We're doing the last-minute packing of dorm needs and scheduling all her doctor appointments before she heads out of town. I've got the dog walker lined up since Harleigh won't be home in the afternoons to take Gideon on their daily afternoon stroll through the neighborhood. The laptop is purchased. There's lots of time being spent together doing absolutely nothing and enjoying simply that. It doesn't seem real that I'm in this phase of life. It crept up on me so quickly. Savoring, that's what I've got to do these next two weeks.


  1. I am still planning on trying to meet up with you when you head to Statesboro, just let me know. Time does have a way of creeping up on us. My sweet boy was here this past week, and what a joy it was to have him here for several days. You two have a blast! Jackie

  2. I am thinking of you and saying a little prayer for you and your sweet girl (and sweet pup) on this new season of life for all of you. Enjoy every single second of your baby before she goes to school! :)

  3. There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.
    ~Hodding Carter~

    You have done a fine job of raising a fantastic daughter.
