Saturday, August 21, 2010


Harleigh's room will certainly stay intact. It's not going to become an annex to my craft room, a place to store stuff, or an office. Gideon still likes to sleep on her bed since her room is the only one with a ceiling fan (I know, I know, Giddy, looking out the window endlessly won't bring her home from college).The only change-up I'm doing in there is to move in my maple bench from the ken. I found a drop-front maple desk at my favorite thrift store and am setting up office in the ken. I've attempted this once before and failed badly. The problem with using a table as a desk is that there's no place to store anything.

And so the drop-front desk is now where the bench used to be. I've got some nesting to do to make it look like it belongs, but that'll happen soon enough. The icky part about it all is that I have to keep my stinkin' file cabinet nearby in order to use the desk efficiently. Oh well.


  1. What a charmingly decorated bedroom, made all the more perfect with Gideon's presence.

  2. Love Harleigh's room! That picture kind of choked me up a bit :( Poor Gideon......

    How is she liking college so far?

  3. Harleigh's room is adorable with Gideon in it.

    When Rick left for the Navy at 18 I didn't change anything in his room until he was 21. Hud called it the "SHRINE ROOM". Don't laugh but when I missed him I just felt better being able sit in there.

    I love your new desk. My Gammy used to have one like that.

    Hugs, Gretchen
