Sunday, July 18, 2010

26 days . . .

. . . until we pack it up and head off to college. We wrapped up another round of shopping yesterday. With a dorm room that contains a kitchen, living room and dining room, plus the two bedrooms, the needs list seems endless. In the meantime, I take one day at a time, and enjoy my girl every day that I have her at home. Here is a text message picture I got from her last week, asking if the Goodwill skirt she just bought worked out as a dress. Yes it does. Yes I love you. Yes you are sweetness and kindness. And yes you are growing up and will be leaving soon. Yes I will miss you beyond words.


  1. Oh! I am crying for you! Boo Hoo!!!! I can not imagine the day when I have to let my little birdies go out from my protective care. I know that God will give us both the strength to do it. It seems as if you have raised a wonderful young woman. :)

  2. How fun to find a skirt and have it look so good, that it can be a dress. Not all of us could pull that one off.

    Words can't ease the pain of a child leaving. Just know that some of us have been there and understand.

  3. Aww, it must be bitter sweet huh? She does look so grown up in that photo. Good luck to her, on the next chapter of her life :)

  4. Oh, I am remembering those days! There were tears, and still are sometimes, but she will do great, just continue to pray for her as I know you will. By the way cute dress/skirt. Jackie

  5. I thought that was how everyone wears their Boho skirts. No? Guess I've been wrong all these years.

    Your daughter is adorable,

