Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Graduation Day!

What a whirlwind of a Saturday!

We started off with a breakfast for 14 at the house and then off to graduation. The weather was a bit overcast, but it burned off early afternoon. Before the graduation, my Dad and I found Harleigh's car and decorated it with writing on the windows, a flag and stickers. Came home for a Southern barbecue lunch and then the open house. The attendance was overwhelming. Surrounded by so many loving co-workers, family, church family, neighbors, friends . . . what a glorious day!!!

I opted for those big 3-foot-wide balloons for outside. Tied them to a vintage suitcase I bought on ebay. Put a Georgia Southern University sticker on it and made a Class of 2014 tag for the handle.

My collection of bird cages always get so much mileage for events that I do. Graduation didn't go without one! [The egg in the nest is actually a real bird egg that fell out of a nest and never got beyond the yolk stage.]


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day. Congrats to those fabulous Gahan Girls!

  2. Oh, Dawn, what beautiful touches for a very important day. Congrats dear Harleigh!! Best wishes for the next chapter of your life.

  3. The nest, with the remains of the egg shells and the cage door open! Whew! Teary eyed is all I can say.

    Happy for the both of you. Success feels good!

  4. What a wonderful party you gave your girl!! That suitcase idea was so cute!! The birdcage idea made my little heart say awwww. Can't wait to hear about her new adventures. :)

  5. Dawn, it looks like it was a wonderful day. Congratulations to Harleigh!

