Thursday, April 8, 2010

Giddy and Me

Harleigh is gone on Spring Break this week and so it's been just me and the little man. This is what we've been doing every evening after I get home from work; he surveys the birds and the squirrels and I sit in my chair and talk to him. We stay out until it turns dark. I miss my daughter big time. And it's only a week. Eegads, college is gonna kill me.


  1. I know how tuff that will be. I have my boy home with me this week, and I usually cry a little every time he leaves. Have a blessed day! Jackie

  2. Oh- I know you miss her so much. But what a great way to spend your evenings and those paws are just about the more adorable thing I've ever seen.

  3. Such a cute picture of Gideon!

  4. I can not imagine not having my girls around me. When my mind drifts there, I quickly change it because I don't care for the way it makes me feel. :(
    I am thankful that Gideon will still be there with you after she is at college.
    Look at those feets!! :)

  5. Awww I'm glad you have Gideon to keep you company.
