Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Marmie Book

In the hopes that someday in the future I will be a grandmother (and called Marmie), I've begun writing down traditions and activities that I will want to enjoy with the grandkids. Rather than use a journal, I'm jotting notes in the margins of a vintage book (about a big, happy family, no less).


  1. That is so special. I love it!!!!

  2. does harleigh know about this? love it. ;)

  3. That is something I would totally do. Caitlin and I have joked around when we have been to stores and see adorable children's things, and say," lets just buy it for the future!"

    That is a pretty cute book.

  4. Great idea!
    Where did you come up with the name Marmie? Little Women? I like it.
