Saturday, March 27, 2010


Fresh from the garden. Spring has sprung.


  1. They are so pretty!! Isn't Spring just the greatest? :)

  2. So pretty! Thanks for the comments on the new place and yes! a window. I'm so happy. :) The only thing I can figure about the brick is that it's directly under the owner's fireplace. She refinished the basement thinking that she may want to move into it and rent out the house part one day so I thought maybe she was giving herself the option of a fireplace. I like to think of it as a low mantel to decorate. lol

  3. Hello again! :) My sister said that she used a satin ribbon to tie the garland. And two knots to keep the letters together. I wish I had a better picture to show you. My camera stinks. :(
    Have a lovely night!
