Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chateau Gahan holds me in her sweet embrace

In the morning as the sun starts warming up the window panes, it is super hard to say goodbye to home and head into work. So much good stuff to be done at my dear Chateau Gahan. Is it wrong to be such a homebody?


  1. No, it's not wrong at all. I struggle with this each and every day. I want to stay home so, so much, especially in the wonderful morning time.

    Make sure you stop by and enter my giveaway if you haven't already. You might have to scroll down a bit. It's worth it.


  2. Nope, definitely not wrong. I feel that way all the time, especially when I see the sweet faces of my two pups as I leave them behind. "There she goes again," they must say to each other.

    I love staying home, especially by myself on a weekday. It feels a bit naughty.

    Oh I can't wait until Spring Break!

  3. When I see posts like yours today, I really feel blessed to be able to stay at home fulltime. Certainly nothing wrong with that desire!

  4. I work three days a week, but would not step out even for those if I did not have to.

    So I know exactly what you mean.


  5. No - I'm the same way. There is nothing I like more than being home, puttering around the house.


  6. Dawn,

    Your time will come Dawn. I struggled for forty years to get up and go to work every day, when all I wanted to do was be a 50's housewife.

    Your time is coming.

    Hugs, Gretchen

  7. No, nothing wrong with being a homebody! And I enlarge your photo and ooh and ah over the blue dishes... forget-me-nots and what looks like either Portuguese or French pottery. LOve those...Wish there were more pics.

  8. Your home is very charming and there is nothing wrong with being captured with her spell. :) Hope you get to enjoy your home this weekend lots and lots!

  9. where do you thrift? I live in Conyers but only shop at GW, I know there should be more places to go in metro atlanta
