Friday, January 1, 2010

Team Jacob

Kisses all around for Team Jacob. Native American, ripped and deep vs. pasty, aloof and brooding. No contest.


  1. I'm so with you on this one. And who wants cold kisses anyway?

  2. Your doggy is beautiful - love the bedroom and Jacob Poster! xx

    I love a bit of Twilight too!

    Sam x

  3. Dawn--
    Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!
    Warmest regards,

  4. I can't get enough of my share of Gideon photos. He is such a delight, and if his breed didn't take up so much room...I would be cuddling up to one of his kind right now. Ever since I was a child, I have had an affection to them. Give him a kiss for me!

  5. I was a BIG Jacob fan till I read the last book and it all came together. Still a fan, but not I understand why he wasn't Bella's choice all along.

  6. I am the only person I know who has not read the books or seen the movies! I must put that on my list of to do's. My daughters root for Jacob as well. He does have a bit more color in his face than the other fellow. Happy New Year to you, your sweet girl and Sir Gideon!

  7. Sounds like the perfect He-Man for Tycoon Bond. I was ROFLMAO !
    LiBBy BuTTons
