Friday, December 18, 2009

Little Boxes in the Mail

Don't you just love it when you arrive home to find a package in the mailbox or on your front porch?? Dear Jackie over at Empty Nest Full Life surprised me with just that this week. She and I had been corresponding about a table she was decorating for a ladies event and she sent me these as a thank you! I am ever so grateful for her friendship. The beauty of blogging is that I've met such talented and kind women such as Jackie.

Also included in the box was a packet of mulling spices which I plan on using this holiday season; what a heavenly smell to make Chateau Gahan feel even more Christmasy! The pink buttons are chocolate; she used a standard candy mold and then when the candies hardened she used a warm skewer to create the button holes. And she made the pincushion; just look how lovely its underside is in a different fabric!

Thank you to Jackie! And do stop by her blog for a visit.


  1. What a delightful gift. I really thought the pink buttons were real buttons. So clever.

  2. Oh how sweet. What a nice thing to come home to. Hope you have a fabulous weekend. I am preparing for a lot of snow! Can't wait to get snowed in.

  3. What a lovely surprise to get in the mail! Everything seems perfect for you - as a pottery lover, I am crazy about that vase!
