Thursday, November 26, 2009

We Are Blessed

Got Nana's cranberry salad done yesterday. Up early this morning to make the sauerkraut and kielbasa (a Polish standard in our Thanksgiving fare). Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on the TV. Fresh brewed coffee . . . ahhhh. Heading over to Mom's at 12:30. Tomorrow is a busy day of cooking. Beverly and Clif from next door bring us a huge smoked turkey breast every year and I go crazy making all kinds of casseroles and soups to freeze. Have the Hanging of the Greens tomorrow evening at church with a big chili dinner to go with.

Yes, we are blessed. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


  1. One busy lady! But it all sounds so good.
    Enjoy the day!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful day! Happy Thanksgiving.
