Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Thankful Curtain

Carissa over at BrownEyedFox always has such wonderful ideas to engage her girls in the holidays (and really, life in general!). And her photography is . . . well, she makes me want a good camera so badly (I adore her images of home and family). Stop by her blog . . . so worth visiting.

She has a thankful ladder (and in the past has done a thankful tree). I loved the idea and started it two days ago with Harleigh. I wanted to post our "thanks" in a place that we see every single day, and that would be the door from the ken to the garage. So I pulled out color markers, these manilla tags, and ornament hooks (they hang perfectly on the airy lacy curtain). And we add to it every day. What a lovely idea, Carissa!


  1. this is such a fantastic idea! I think I'm going to start one at my home this weekend :)

  2. I saw this over on BrownEyedFox. Love it. I might start one too.

  3. What a great idea! Love your thankful curtain and what a way to encourage one another. Jackie

  4. and i am THANKFUL for you Dawn!

    thankful for the gift of blogging and ALL the truly amazing people we get to know!

    i LOVE it! so pretty those tags against your sweet curtain... gosh... i just love that!
    such a pretty idea!

    xo... BIG
    brown eyed fox

  5. Oh how I hope my daughters are still thankful for Snuggle Time when they are 17....yours is a sweetie! I can just tell. :)

  6. What a charming idea. Simple and meaningful, that is the way to go!
