Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sock Wreath

For Harleigh's room I wanted to do a fun wreath. I suppose I could have bought one, but this idea came to me and I had to give it a try. I bought a styrofoam wreath and cut a very small section out of it. Then I slid on two cable-knit super-long knee socks from Target, twisting the heels toward the back of the wreath. I stuck a toothpick into the top, back of the wreath and slid on an ornament (which can be changed throughout the Christmas season), and hung the wreath from a nail at the top of the window frame using fishing line. I think it came out cute. An ivory cable-knit sock would look su-weet in a Shabby Chic room.


  1. Picture perfect!
    Smart,creative and fun idea.
    How DO you come up with so many ideas?
    Keep them coming!

  2. That is so fun! At first I thought you had cut the tops off lots of socks and was thinking, oh man, no way I would do that, lol, but this, this I could do!

  3. What a cute idea, Dawn! Now, you've got me thinking about creating one of these!
