Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Feast 2009

This year's Feast at my office was a super fun one. My theme of Modern Pilgrim netted black candlesticks, silver "trays" (which I cut out of silver posterboard), square plates and faux silverware. The plates and silverware are plastic and I think they looked really good. What a great find from bulk store BJ's.

But the best part were the hats. Over the weekend prior I had crafted Indian headdresses and men's and women's pilgrim hats. Working for a design studio allows me access to tons of paper, so I had all the white paper I needed. And then just dipped into my scrapbook paper stash for the feathers, the flowers on the bonnets, and the bands and buckles. Everyone wore one, we laughed and drank too much, ate until we leaned back in discomfort, and enjoyed the blessings of each other.

Enjoy the pictures (all courtesy of my favorite David Naugle).


  1. beautiful! you've out-crafted yourself once again :)

  2. What a unique version of Thanksgiving decor!

  3. Not surprisingly, it looks great! :)

  4. Fantastic! I think it is so wonderful that your place of work has these dinners and events - it just sounds like a great atmosphere!

  5. You are truly amazing!!!!!Looks like a fantastic feast! You are one of the most creative persons I have ever seen! I know everyone must have had a fantastic time.

  6. I really love the simplicity of that table and the little hats are adorable :)

  7. omg. you never cease to amaze me with your talent. what a great concept... the cut out silver poster board plates are friggin' awesome.

  8. Oh out did yourself.
    This is wonderful!
    A Modern Pilgrim Feast, great idea and perfect atmosphere.
