Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Now I Have a Way to Carry the Wig I Don't Own!

A short pit-stop yesterday into Salvation Army while running errands. Was in line ready to check out with some pillowcases and I spotted a big, tall, round suitcase. It was in a grocery cart, but not a cart being used by a customer, rather one that the employees push with items to be stocked on shelves. I asked the check-out girl if I could take it out. So vintage. And then when I opened it and saw the plastic liner (in a floral pattern so very different from the floral pattern on the outside of the case), I just had to get it. At $5.00 I'd have kicked myself if I'd have walked away from it. It stands about 13" tall and has a short wooden dowel in the bottom. A wig carrying case. How cool is that. I have no wig, but dang, just think of what I could carry in it! Home to Momma.

And here are the pillowcases. One is a quilted sham. Adorable. And there were two of the bright green and pink floral case; love finding two of the same since we have a double- and king-sized beds. (My sister jokingly threatened to boycott my blog if I show one more stinkin' vintage pillowcase I've purchased at a thrift store. She'll so be back.)


  1. Pretty pillowcases! A wig-carrying case... Well, you could stage a little vignette in it with the lid open/left off of some sort. My neighbor sometimes wears a wig. She delivers Meals On Wheels with me. And I'll say, "Oh, so it's a wig day, huh?" She scowls at me.

  2. WHAT? You don't own a wig? LOL!

    Love the pillowcases!


  3. Well look who has all the pillowcase mojo ;)

    Lucky gal.

    Lisa xo

  4. No wig? Your vintage linens are great, wish I could find some things like that here. You have found some great looking linens, good for you. Jackie

  5. love the pillow cases. it just started but, every time i go to an estate sale i go straight to the pillow cases and kitchen towels. like an invisible force is pulling me :)

  6. A wig case? Never knew something like that existed! I need to get out more thrifting....treasures I know nothing about! :) Your pillowcases are lovely as well.

  7. again, i say i LOVE that wig box. may have to borrow it :)

  8. Your discription, discovering the wig case, is hysterical. I can just see me doing the same thing.
    Congratulations on the wig case. Let us know when you get the wig!

  9. i love surprise finds like that!!! and the cases are so pretty and dainty.. love everything! xo.

  10. I had that same exact case! I put my Barbies in it! What a neat find. I would have never thought it was meant for wigs! ha!

  11. What a fun, colorful and random find! Good thing the wig wasn't still in there!
    Vintage Lily
