Sunday, June 28, 2009

Screen on the Green at Chateau Gahan

Last night Chateau Gahan hosted the high school youth of our church for an outdoor movie night. We had 20+ kids who spread out on blankets under the stars, surrounded by the sweet intermittent glow of lightening bugs. Once the movie was over, I stoked up the chiminea and the crew got to making s'mores.

NOTE: If you've ever thought about getting a chiminea, treat yourself. One of the best things about my patio. We use it all year round. Since I love being host to Harleigh and her friends, it's an instant source of relaxation and good chat time for teens. Who doesn't love staring at a crackling fire?

I used pillows and oil lamps from last weekend's shower. Popped a bunch of popcorn, loaded big metal tubs with ice and sodas. Harleigh even re-purposed the sarees and outdoor rugs from the shower to decorate the treehouse.

I've done zero plantings this Spring and Summer because I've been so absorbed with house fiascos, so this event jump-started a little gardening just to make the porches and yard look nice.


  1. Your plants are beautiful, and I feel for you with all of the things that you have had happen at your house. We did replace our hot water heater after your water heater episode. My husband has been concerned about that for quite some time, and God provided the extra funds to go ahead and get a new one installed. I did some planting, and I was able to divided some things that I had last year(spider plant) Also my potato vines that were in some pots came back volunteer this year, which is a plus. I have a fern that was pot bound (one of those large ones) it is sprouting out all over. I have got to get some dirt and think I can make several out of it. By the way I love that quilt. It would go perfect in my bedroom that I just painted. Did you get it recently? Hope things are settling down and you are getting things back to normal. Sounds like a fun thing to do with the high school group. So sweet of you to be willing to give so much to others, even when you have had so much going on. Have a restful afternoon. Jackie

  2. I want the vintage love seat!!! Do you use regular wood in a chiminea?...yah, sure I hacked that spelling. Sounds like you had a wonderful night...what movie did you watch?

  3. The set up looks great! Hope y'all had fun! What did everyone think about Slumdog?

  4. What a sweetie you are to plan an event for church when you just finished that shower.

    I hope your problems with the house are about over. You sure have had a string of them but think how nice it will be when they are all fixed.


  5. What a fun evening and of course everything looks wonderful!

  6. In my next life . . . I want to come back as your daughter ! ! !
