Thursday, April 30, 2009

Putting things into perspective

Last night at 10:00, ready for bed after watching American Idol, I heard a sound from the hall closet (where the hot water heater is . . . worst place to have one, BTW). It sounded sorta like the heater when it's running, heating the water. But a little different. And I remembered that I had heard the same sound a couple hours ago. All that equaled a very long time for the heater to be running, considering I wasn't running the dishwasher or washing machine. Peeked in and there was water squirting out in a fine mist from the compression tank (that blue thing) above the heater itself. 

The linoleum floor was covered in about a half inch of water. Called the plumber and was told how to turn everything off. Thought all the water was contained to the closet. But then this morning I walked into my bedroom closet and the carpet was soaked. Went into the living room, which borders the other side of the closet, and the hardwoods were cracking and warping. The hallway carpet is wet too.
Way worse than I had thought. So today I'm at home.

The plumber just came and fixed the hot water heater. The water removal team is here pulling out baseboards, ripping up carpet and linoleum, pulling up hardwood, and setting up giant fans (which will run for three straight days, 24 hours a day). The insurance adjustor should be calling soon, and the estimator for the damage is on his way.

I've dealt with water damage before, and I suppose of all the damages to a home, water is the easiest to deal with. It will get fixed. Thank God for insurance. And maybe I'll get new carpet out of the situation.

This morning as I was slouched over the kitchen counter, phone in hand (as I have been most of the day), feeling defeated and daunted by all that lays ahead in terms of upheaval and the house being in shambles, Harleigh put the Bible in front of me, opened to Matthew 6:34. It has honestly put everything into perspective. We're healthy and happy. I've got water damage. Big deal. Not the first time. And probably not the last.

I have handed it over. And it is in good hands. The best.


  1. You have raised a smart, kind girl!

    ((HUGS)) to you both, Denise

  2. Oh no! I am sorry you are dealing with such a mess.

  3. Having had a $65,000.00 flood insurance claim about 5 years ago I TOTALLY sympathise with you.

    And there are much, much worse things in life to contend with...

    Thinking of you,

    Lisa xo

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