Saturday, April 11, 2009

He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed.

I'm going to post my Easter post this evening. My day begins tomorrow at 5AM and will end (with the Easter festivities) close to 4PM, so I wish everyone a Happy Easter!

These pictures are of four postcards that I received in the mail a couple of weeks ago from Melissa, a college friend. We were roommates for two years and we've become reacquainted as of recently. She has been reading my blog, was going through some of her grandmother's belongings, found these postcards, and thought I would like them. Well . . . I love them. They will be cherished. Promise.

I began the morning with dressing the altar for church. Every Saturday before Easter I enter the sanctuary alone, a cup of coffee in my hand, the silence of the church sweeter than any music, a sense of anticipation and reverence for what lays before me . . . a stripped altar. Everything gone. He did so much for me. And in my unworthiness I do my best to create an altar that celebrates His gift.

I then helped in the church kitchen where we are preparing a breakfast feast unlike any other. I swear, I eat more at this breakfast than I do at Thanksgiving. Ran to get groceries. Came home to make a pie for tomorrow. I am making the Buttermilk Pie that I chanced upon at Aunt Ruthie's Sugar Pie Farmhouse. Here is the recipe. Tomorrow morning I will start the crock pot with a macaroni and cheese recipe that I got from Harleigh's swim team banquet. A recipe to die for. Will share that as well.

I also made coconut and white chocolate nests with jelly bean "eggs." Will take pix of those tomorrow. They will be the placecards for the table setting at my Mom's.

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