Saturday, March 7, 2009

**Vintage Bella Studio** Vintage Easter Tag Swap

This is the second swap I've done and I've learned a bit more since my first one. 1) Send the hostess/coordinator of the swap a little something to say thanks. I didn't do this with Karla's swap and I should have known better . . . like going to someone's house for dinner and not taking a bottle of wine or hostess gift. 2) It's not necessary for each and every tag to be different. Karla's swap was six tags and so it was fairly easy to make each one totally unique. With Andrea's being 21 tags, I went with all of them being the same, with the flourishes adding variety. And 3) test your glue on one item before gluing them all. I used a glue that buckled the paper and they look a little on the sloppily-crafted side.

So . . . Andrea's swap was 21 2" x 4" tags with the Vintage Easter theme. Nothing says vintage Easter to me like the memory of wearing white gloves. Back in my day, it was always part of the Easter garb. For the front of the tag I cut out little gloves, giving each a white pearl or baby pink button as trim. I then added a ribbon and flower.

For the back, I found old patterns online and used pix of those along with an Easter greeting from The Gahan Girls.
All in all, they turned out cute. (In hindsight I think I would have used a different material for the gloves.) I packaged it all up in a beautiful cigar box, a gift to the hostess! I'll include a thank you note written on one of my new Janet Hill notecards . . . if you've not yet visited her etsy site or her blog, please stop by. Her paintings sell within minutes of being posted and so her notecards are the next best thing to scoring one of her pieces.


  1. oh that is so sweet! i love the white gloves and the idea behind them. the wrapping is sweet too. It has been a while since I did a swap - but you are inspiring me!!!

  2. this is the sweetest idea! yes, in my day the white gloves were a must!

  3. You are so creative! Love the tags, especially the little gloves. Boy did those bring back some good memories!

    Have a great day, Denise
