Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Harleigh came home early this afternoon from a weekend Lutheran retreat. The weather here in Atlanta is warm and breezy. Gideon and I spent a good part of the day out on the back porch, me catching up on the past week's newspapers, and he bringing me the ball to throw. It was a very good day.


  1. Your Sunday sounds idyllic and the weather looks lovely. Check my blog tomorrow to see what March looks like here!
    I love Gideon's new Spring haircut. What a cutie!

  2. I;m glad you all had such a nice weekend!

    Have a great week, Denise

  3. Love your tags, and looks like Gideon has enjoyed the ball. I too am loving this weather. Jackie

  4. How relaxing and fun for a Sunday! It looks like your weather is enviable!

  5. Gideon's hair cut excites me! ;) Means it'll be WARM soon here! lol. He is so cute.
