Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maturing in the Journey

Started this journey with entertaining colleges as far away as Washington state, and a firm stance in what she firmly believed she didn't want.

The road trip over the last few days took us roughly 500 miles away from home. I was praying we'd find THE school. But more than willing to do whatever it takes to help her make one of the most difficult decisions of her life — which in my case meant lots of listening.

But God had a different plan. Instead of it being all about finding the school, it was instead about narrowing it down, about Harleigh looking at the pros and cons of schools faraway, about mother-daughter time that shifted her from daughter to woman. We're heading home this morning with a re-jiggered map of what she wants. (Thank you, God, for leading me to just keep my mouth shut and let her reach her own decisions.) There's a contentment in her that I haven't seen in awhile, a focus (she's a child who thrives on a path) and a renewed faith in her ability to listen to her heart and to God and to believe.

What I got out of this trip was the satisfaction of watching my child go through the decision-making process successfully. She apologized a few too many times for this trip being a "bust." But it was far from that, as she found out. It was necessary for her to move forward. I am so grateful for these three days. Because even though it appeared to result in nothing, it resulted in everything she needed it too.


  1. Sometimes we have to go down the path of what we think we want to find out what really isn't right for us. Your daughter is going to become a wise woman. Good for you for letting her learn.

  2. What a poignant post! It actually made me get choked up. Hadley has narrowed it down to two final schools. One is 200 miles away and one is 2200 miles away...can you guess which one my heart is wishing for?
    I will think of you and your daughter on this exciting emotional journey. She sounds like a brilliant, strong young woman!

  3. My mother's encouragement and love during the process of finding my college and getting me settled in is something that will stick with me for all time - after all it has already been 16 years and it still means the world to me!

  4. Hi, nice to meet you! I'm here to thank you for the puppy love tag I received in the tag book from Karla. I love your tag! The vintage ribbons and flowers are great, but the doggy embellishment is to die for, sooo cute! I have made a post so that you can see that your tag isn't only beautiful but fits so well with the other tags. Thanks so much!

  5. i just found your blog through Flibberty Gibbets photoshoot of your daughter. such a beautiful girl. i can relate to all of this because my daughter went off to college last august - i can't believe she's almost finished with her first year. cherish these special moments with your daughter. we have a mother/daughter blog together.
