Sunday, February 1, 2009

I NEEDED this . . .

I can't seem to pass up any ceramic or tin piece that has a pretty floral on it. At Goodwill for $2, it was either walk past it, or go home and obsess over not buying it only to come back and find it gone. I do believe the choice was easy. Besides, pussy willow are a favorite of mine. This little box now holds Q-tips (which sorta look like pussy willow . . . further justifying my purchase!).


  1. Now, now...I am always telling my children there is a difference between needing and wanting. Are you sure you needed this? This is the part where you tell me to open the armoire in my bedroom that is so stuffed full of things I "need" that the doors keep popping open. And yes of course you are right, the pussy willow makes it a must have.

  2. I couldn't have passed that little box up either.


  3. I LOVE thrift stores. Seriously probably one of my favorite things ever. Things from thrift stores are so much better to me because they've already had life breathed into them. =)
    And I am so sad that we didn't get to talk the other night. You are a very popular lady..
    My e-mail is Shoot me a line sometime.

  4. I love little boxes, too. As well as pussy willows. a sure sign of spring, if you ask me!

    Have a great day! Denise
