Thursday, February 26, 2009

Giveaway Journals

Jen won my one-year-blogging giveaway and chose Italy as the map she wanted me to craft her journal with. I wound up making three of them. I used bolder paint colors than I usually do for the spines; when I think of Italy I think of colorful window shutters and narrow cobblestone streets, and so I chose colors that departed from the pastels of past journals.

At a thrift store this past weekend I bought a HUGE box of junk that I knew I could use for my crafting. The entire bottom of the box was littered with old postage stamps from different countries, and so I glued a couple of Italy ones on the journal covers.[Click on the pix to see the details]


  1. That is so cool! I love how it turned out.

    Have a great day, Denise

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the journals!! they are gorgeous. Bee really thinks the page markers are the greatest things ever!!

    thank you sooo much!!! It was so nice to come home today after braving crowds at target to see a fedex box on my porch. :)
