Thursday, January 22, 2009

Puppy Love Tag Swap — Tag 3: Dear Diary . . .

My third tag (see two posts below for links to the swap I'm participating in) is made from the cover of an old diary I bought at a flea market a year or two ago. What speaks of puppy love better than the one place we young girls knew we could retreat to and pour out our hearts.

I ripped the cover off, leaving the jagged edge intact (as opposed to cutting it to a clean edge). I glued on a piece of white satin ribbon, tying it at the bottom with a diary key and a heart-shaped locket. For the "vase" I used part of the plastic vial that those eyeglass repair kits come in. Added a piece of lace, some off-white silk roses, and glued the whole thing on to look like a wall pocket vase.

For the reverse side, there's a red heart covering the end of the ribbon where it wraps around from the front. And then some scrapbooking buttons add to the vintage feel.

I hope Velma would be OK with me using her diary to make this tag!


  1. OO I didn't know you were tagged so many times :) I just tagged you on my blog, but it really isn't too hard of one and kinda fun. Play if you want, no pressure.

  2. Velma's diary tag is going in my own tag book, I loved it!
