Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One-Year Anniversary and a Giveaway

We celebrate birthdays (of those close to us and even old boyfriends' from high school!), anniversaries of all kinds, remember the dates when loved ones have died, marriages began (and ended), dates when significant changes in our lives occurred like when we closed on our first house or got our first job or graduated from college.

And on this date, one year ago, I embarked on something that has proven pretty darn significant in my life . . . I began this blog. What a godsend it has been. Recharging my creativity. Connecting me with new friends (and all their creativity that is such inspiration to me). Even reconnecting me with friends from my past. I have loved every minute of posting, relished every single wonderful comment, and savored all the hours of reading others' blogs.

I look forward to many more years to come.

Here's a giveaway to celebrate my year! Please leave me a comment on this post to be entered. And if you post on your own blog about my giveaway (do let me know in your comment if you are doing so!), you'll be entered twice (and feel free to post the picture as well!). The giveaway will be one of my handmade journals. But the fun part of it is that the winner gets to tell me what map they would like on the journal covers! It can be a map of anything! The deadline to post a comment here and be eligible for the giveaway is midnight on Friday, January 16. I will draw a winner on Saturday the 17th!

In parting, here is a picture I took of three of my miniature chairs (they stand two inches tall). They represent The Gahan Girls . . . me, Harleigh and Gideon (well, he's not a girl. But who cares.)


  1. Congratuations on one year! You have a wonderful blog and should be really proud. I look forward to more!

  2. Congrats on your 1st year of blogging. I read you everyday. You've inspired me to start a blog of my own. Thank You!

  3. I'm so glad you started blogging because I love visiting you! And I don't think precious Gideon will mind at all being a part of "the girls"...

    I would love to be a part of your giveaway...I'm shameless like that! And as soon as I can, I will post about it on my blog!

    Thanks for this...the journals are beautiful!

  4. congrats!!!!

    those chairs are too cute!

  5. Congrats. I love your journals, they are so beautiful. Thanks.

  6. Happy Blogaversary! I love reading your posts and seeing the pictures, especially of Gideon! I recently started my own blog, so next year, I'll be celebrating.

    Beautiful journals. I'd love to win one. I've included a link to your giveaway on my blog.

    Thanks :)

  7. Wow, I can't believe it's been a year already! I've so enjoyed staying close with you through your words (but I do miss seeing you everyday still).

  8. Congratulations! I am coming up on 100 posts and going to post about a giveaway soon. I posted the picture and giveaway information on my blog. The journals are great! Jackie

  9. Oh, wow! I've been keeping journals since I was in 5th grade. I'd love to win your giveaway, so please enter my name! Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!

  10. I just found your blog and I love it! Your journals are beautiful and it is so fun to get a little window into people's lives! I am going to link my blog to yours because I know people will want to see yours! And, shamelessly, I would love to get entered twice! :) Blessings!

  11. COngrats on a year!

    Lovely giveaway!

  12. Yeah!! Congratulations on one year!!!

  13. Congratulations on your 1st yr! Journals are beautiful, too. I'm dreaming of anywhere WARM, without snow or ice! :)

  14. Ooo I want one! (Found my way here through Rachel's blog)

  15. Congratulations on your first anniversary!!! Your journals are fabulous!! Jackie from Empty Nest Full Life blogged about your giveaway and I'm so glad she did!!

    BTW, I noticed another "Rae" posted a comment....I haven't met another "Rae" here in blogland! I'm off to check out her blog!!

  16. Oh, oh, oh!! Pick me, pick me!!

    Congratulations on one year of blogging! I'm about 5 months behind you!

    If I win, I'm sooo choosing a map of my beloved Plymouth, MA!


  17. Found you through my friend Rachel's link to your giveaway and I'll be back. I love finding creative blogs to read. If I can figure out how to link I will do it, but I'm a bit computer-challenged so you should probably only enter me once. :)

  18. Dawn,

    Please enter me in your giveaway and I also posted it on my website.

    Congratulations on your first year of blogging. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog and you.


  19. Love the mini chairs! I don't think Gideon would mind being a Gahan girl!! Hope to win your journal. LOL

  20. I feel the same way about blogworld. Becoming a part of it, is life changing, isn't it? Congratulations on your anniversery!

  21. I love your blog I just found it today.Your journals a re so beautiful!

  22. Thank you so much for your encouraging words! (and I promise I'm not trying to cheat and be entered twice :) )

  23. I just found your blog, too & I'll be back!
    I'd love to be entered for a journal - they are beautiful!

  24. Congratulations on one year! Love the journals and your site! I'll be back!

    I posted a link about your giveaway on my's to two chances to win!


  25. Love your miniature chairs! They are darling.

    I enjoyed your post about new years resolutions. I get lots done around my house but PAPER is my worst enemy and it clutters so much of my house. Here's hoping you have better luck this year!

  26. Congrats to one year! Love that picture of your little chairs!!
    Vintage Lily

  27. Hey Dawn!

    Regarding the candles... Yes, I use the rebate books in the store. Walgreens usually puts them on sale for 2/$5 and have a rebate for $1 each (usually with a limit of 2 or 4 candles). That makes them 2/$3 which isn't a bad price. I use coupons from the Sunday paper that are $1/1, so after everything I get them 2/$1. I LOVE those candles! I stock up whenever I can.

  28. Oh hey there. So you are making the pretty journals. Sorry I'm confused. LOL. I'm going to go read you blogs. I think this is my first visit here.

  29. Thanks for stopping by and clearing it up! Congrats on your anniversary!

  30. very nice and congratulations on your anniversary

  31. Happy Anniversary.

  32. Congrats on your anniversary!


  33. Congratulations for writing this wonderful blog for a year. Keep it up. I love it.

  34. Of course I want in on this giveaway! :)

  35. Happy blog anniversary! I enjoy lurking your wonderful blog (whoa..I sound like a stalker...) Anywho, I would be honored to be in your giveaway & would like to post a link on my blog as well, if that's ok! I've never won a giveaway from anyone yet, but who knows,it's a new year & my luck may have changed! Here's to another year of creativity!

  36. Congrats on a year! What a great giveaway :) Please count me in! I love your map journals.

  37. i love your blog!!! :) Congrats on one year!!!!

  38. Great giveaway!!!! I would love to be the proud owner of one of your journals!!!

    :) Congrats on a year!!!
