Thursday, January 29, 2009


Last night when I checked my mailbox, it was stuffed with a package. Love that! (Bills don't come in squishy puffy envelopes or boxes wrapped in brown paper!).

It was a gift from a past co-worker, Deborah. Our company has always been big on nicknames (it's a gift I have that doesn't go to waste in a creative work and home environment), and Deborah's nickname had been Mother. Now let me set the record straight that the name didn't come about because Deborah is a rotund, matronly woman, with an ample, snuggly bosom, a house full of little ones, and a wardrobe of floral shifts, aprons and "sensible" shoes.

Quite the contrary. Deborah is athletically slender, with that lightly freckled and weekend-at-the-lake tanned face that gets by with a light moisturizer and a swipe of lip gloss (at least that's how I think her make-up regime would be). Fashionable and spright, a ball of positive energy.

I think the nickname Mother came about because of her deeds. Always putting others first, giving of herself and her home. She is a mom (to two daughters), but sorta was mom to everyone she came in contact with at the office. You felt comfortable with her, conversations were effortless, smiles and laughter were always doled out in generous portions. She is one of those people who make you feel safe and nurtured . . . a mother.

We keep in touch via the annual Christmas letter, and I hear about her and her family via current co-workers who keep up with her more consistently via email and visits. Needless to say, when I saw the return address on the package, I was excited, curious, and I had to tinkle real badly, so I combined that little chore with opening the package (Mother would appreciate this . . . both the humor of it AND my mad skills at multi-tasking).

She sent me three vintage pillowcases, lovingly crafted tags she made (that will help build a growing collection I've started), and the most wonderful handwritten letter. Her words of praise and encouragement brought a rush of all those feelings again. How I felt in her presence. And reminded me why we call her Mother.

Oh, and by the way, she's younger than I am. So it makes calling her Mother even more fun!


  1. What a wonderful surprise and sweet story. I love vintage pillowcases!

  2. Again with the pillow cases. I'm not sure I could be more envious of you. :)


  3. People like "Mother" are so special, and she sounds like a treasured friend. Jackie

  4. She sounds like a great person! How wonderful to have someone like that in your life. I heart vintage pillowcases - what a sweet surprise!


  5. that debbie! she sent me a pair of wool socks when she found out i was moving to vermont. i'm actually heading to seattle in february and staying with them...will definitely say hello for you.

  6. So fun! A much better suprise than a bill!

    Thanks for stopping by the new blog! I hope it will be fun for everyone!

  7. Dawn,

    What a great friend to just out of the blue send you such a wonderful package.

