Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gift from my Secret Santa

I hadn't shown pix yet of what I got from my Secret Santa at our office gift exchange. Well here it is. From my boss, Shaun, who is way craftier than she lets on to be. This is a garland she made using ribbon and carefully wrapped gift boxes (her talent for gift wrapping, she did admit, was part of what led her to this craft project). It looks perfect on my living room armoire. Another one of those gifts from the hands and the heart that means so much.


  1. that is so sweet and adorable!

  2. Love your gift garland. Cute idea!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh - I wish I had seen this before Christmas - I surely would have commented. so - I'm doing it now. LOVE your framed movie poster print of White Christmas! The perfect Christmas decoration! I DID have my music displayed on the piano- so that's close!
