Sunday, October 26, 2008

I see in your future . . .

The day couldn't have been more perfect. Sunny, in the low '70s, a little breeze. The Halloween festivities at our church began with the haunted organ recital inside, something we've never been able to go to 'cause we're always out in the parking lot getting our trunk ready.

Needless to say, this year's (you can see years past in an earlier post) was a huge hit. Some kids were scared, but most were mesmerized. And the adults got a big kick out of it. I'd catch the gaze of a child and then my eyes would follow them. I mouthed lots of "hellos" and "goodbyes." It was a blast. And Harleigh was a perfect gypsy, complete with a coin belt and turban. We're already planning for next year's Trunk or Treat. The Gahan Girls have a reputation to uphold.

BTW, I had a small hand-held fan directly below my chin which made being inside a fish bowl somewhat bearable.


  1. But could you breathe?

    Just a little worried about the lack of oxygen thng...

    Wonderful costumes.


  2. Again I say, you are incredibly talented and sweet! I'll bet the kids enjoyed you guys immensely.

    And thank you so very much for the kind, uplifting words you commented me. You don't know how much I needed to hear that right then. I sometimes get overwhelmed with all that happens, and I forget that I am incredibly blessed, and am becoming very content with where I am.

  3. Very creative!!!! Looks like you two are a great team, and I am loving this fall weather too, even here if the far south it has been cool and wonderful. Jackie

  4. Dawn this is fabulous...the best iVe seen! You both look so believeable! How did you get your hair white? How long were you in the fish bowl??

  5. That is amazing, dawn. Major kudos to you and Harleigh.

  6. Wow! This might be worth a drive to Atlanta next year. Being closed up in that bowl would really freak me out. You two must have had a great time and I know the kids loved it.


  7. That's hilarious...I would be scared of the glass breaking and cutting my face though, I am such a worry wart! lol


  8. OMG! How did I miss this? Awesome!! Assuming you won again? I think this one's my fave.
