Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lakewood in Cumming

Harleigh and I decided to check-out the sister location of the long-gone and gigantic Lakewood Antiques Market. Lakewood Antiques Market in Cumming is much, much smaller than we anticipated and lacks the charm of the original location. I know, we're spoiled by all the memories that the big Lakewood created for us. I don't think we'll go back to the Cumming location, but it was a nice way to spend a few hours this afternoon. We did manage to come home with two finds. For my birthday coming up in September, Harleigh bought me two pins that I fell in love with. Can't show them here because she whisked them into her purse as soon as she paid for them; dang nab it, have to wait until the big day.

And yes, we did get funnel cake.


  1. That funnel cake looks yummy, but it will have to wait for a while(check out my latest post). What day is your birthday? My anniversary is in Sept. Can't wait to see the pins. Looks like a fun afternoon.

  2. Those animals the were made of metal were really cute. That funnel cake looks good and believe it or not, I've never eaten one.


  3. Sounds like a fun outing and YUM! I love funnel cake. When we go the fair I don't care if one funnel cake cost $20 (ha) I'm still buying one!
    Vintage Lily
